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Lets beat BED

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Creating solidarity in despair 

My purpose...

Almost everyone overeats on occasions, but for some, overeating turns into excessive overeating that feels out of control and becomes a regular occurrence which crosses the line to Binge Eating Disorder (BED).

BED most commonly develops in adults and is a mental illness. BED cannot be judged on only physical criteria and can occur in people of any body weight/shape.

I have battled with BED for the best part of 6 years. It has had a detrimental impact on my life. Relapses contributed to my heightened levels of depression, self hate, low self worth and poor self esteem.

Guilt, shame, embarrassment, disgust are just some of the words I would use to describe what I have felt and still do feel. It has been the catalyst for heightened feelings of insecurity, leading to break downs of romantic relations due to not feeling worthy enough and consequently pushing those away. It has also contributed to social isolation. I can't begin to tell you how many times I have secluded myself from friends and social events due to the knock on effect BED has had on me.

I have the most wonderful friends and family, but during my most helpless times I still felt I had no one to turn to. I felt alone.  I figured I mainly felt this way as there was no one in my life who could relate to what I was going through. BED is a lonely disorder. For people who don't struggle with BED it can be hard to understand that it's not a choice and can't be overcome with sheer willpower. People may offer advice in good will and make statements such as "why don't you stop once you feel full?" or "start eating mindfully" or "allow yourself that treat, your human". Little do they know, it is anything but a treat for us. It is NOT merely just overeating, it's destruction, it's complete loss of control, it's self sabotage, it's eating until your sick, it's eating in complete distress. There have been many of times where I have quite literally sobbed whilst continuing to put food into my mouth. BED runs much deeper!

How would you feel if you could communicate with people who are also going through this? Perhaps part of you would feel less alone, more open to speaking with greater transparency. Speaking honestly may trigger a beautiful sense of relief, especially as BED is typically such a secretive disorder. We could begin feeling less embarrassed and ashamed. We could ride the storm together, as well as sharing those smooth sailing days. Not only might this help combat loneliness, but we may learn from each other. There may have been things that have sometimes worked for us, stopping those pesky binges in its tracks. How powerful could this be if we could create a unity to share these tips and tricks. We can be stronger together!


Support System


I will be starting a weekly support group which will be held once a week in the evening. My hope is to help combat that loneliness which often coincides with BED. We already experience such painful feelings with this disorder, don't let loneliness be one of them. 


I will firstly be starting the sessions virtually and depending on the number of attendees will then be upgrading to a centre where we will be able to meet face to face. 


[Please note, months down the line I will be carrying out research to uncover the benefits of being part of a support group. No information will be shared disclosing your identity so confidentiality will be maintained. To register for this support group all will be required to answer a questionnaire prior to commencement and will need to send this back to me. Disclaimer: This is not a treatment for BED, but rather a supportive safe haven to feel part of, perhaps even alongside therapy. Please seek help from your GP should you feel you need professional help]

Home: Bio

My Background & Professional History

I have always had a passion in supporting people as you will be able to tell from my employment history. However, starting a support group for something I can fully empathise with only creates a deepened drive towards it's cause.

November  2014 - July 2015

Relief worker at Swansea Young Single Homeless Project

Here I was responsible for: liaising with young people, issuing relevant support & encouragement when required, logging interactions & events, contributing to support plans. Primarily it was my duty to inject a positive outlook reinforcing the benefits of achievement and progression to enable service users to steer closer to achieving their goals towards greater independence.

August 2015 - August 2016

Tenant Liaison Officer (Midas - Mispace)

Mi-space is a company that provides property services to affordable housing providers. I worked in a department specialising in kitchen and bathroom refurbishment. My duty as a TLO was to act as the link between tenants and the appointed suppliers, ensuring a friendly line of communication was maintained for all parties involved. It was my responsibility to manage expectations whilst maintaining strong working relationships. TLO's are there prior, during and after the work is being carried out to ensure all runs as smoothly as possible in what could often be a stressful time for tenants.

September 2016 - September 2017

Hafan Cymru Support Worker

Here I worked to deliver a high quality support service, primarily to vulnerable women, men and children with complex needs (domestic abuse, substance misuse and mental health issues). I worked closely with clients to help rebuild confidence, promote freedom of choice and regain independence. I completed initial assessments, risk assessments, support plans, sourced refuge, placed service users into supported housing and provided floating support. Many cases were referred to MARAC (Multi-agency risk assessment conference) whereby I engaged in discussions between representatives from local Police, Probation, Health Boards, Social Services, Housing and other specialists from the statutory and voluntary sectors regarding high risk cases to problem solve and ensure the safety of service users.

October 2019 - Present day

Community Occupational Therapist

Here I work in accordance to the Social Services and Well-being Act in Wales. I work with ages 18 and over, primarily older adults. The ultimate aim is to keep clients living at home with reduced risk for as long as possible and to help them achieve their outcomes. This may involve assessing for the provision of aids/equipment and/or home adaptations. Where care is already provided by formal or informal carers I carry out risk assessments and construct moving handling plans to appropriately inform carers how to handle and care for clients safely. Cooperative working is imperative within this role, I work closely with surveyors, medication management, sensory support, registered social landlords, grants team, Care & Repair, MS team, MND team, wheelchair service, care agencies, social workers, assistive technology, equipment stores, physiotherapists, district nursing and many more.

Home: Experience


2009 - 2011

Gorseinon college

Art & Design, Sociology, Psychology - B,B,B

2011 - 2014

University of South Wales

Sociology with Education BSc  - 2:1

2017 - 2019

Cardiff University

PGdip Occupational Therapy - Merit

Home: Education
Home: Selected Work

"All the world is full of suffering, it's also full of overcoming "

Helen Keller

Home: Quote


If you are interested in being a part of this group please send the following details:
- Your name
- A little bit about your experience with binge eating 
- Your gender 
- Any triggers
- Reason for wanting to attend

Thanks for submitting!

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